Consultation with 

Invisalign® Scan* 

A $2800 pesos value 

Now Only 

 $1000 pesos!

*Full Diagnostics records and Invisalign® clear aligners are not included. 

Call: (664) 980-0546 (from Mexico)Call: (858) 732-6098 (from USA)

Invisalign and Other Orthodontics in Tijuana, Mexico 

Orthodontic Treatments in Tijuana

Orthodontics (braces) is the solution used when a patient has crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite that causes discomfort or poor chewing. This includes conditions such as an underbite or overbite. While both can be lifelong conditions otherwise, they can be corrected with different treatments, including braces. 

Braces are one of the most common options for patients who need help to correct these issues. Braces work by applying continuous gentle pressure over a period of time to slowly guide teeth in a specific direction. As a result of this applied pressure moving the teeth, changes occur in the shape of the bone. The braces are removed when the preferred alignment is achieved. 

  • What are Braces? 

    Braces have been around for a long time, but the technology continues to improve as new technology is developed. There are several components that are typically used in braces, and are likely to be used in yours when you visit for your first evaluation.

    The brackets are small squares that are bonded directly to the front of the teeth. The orthodontic bands are metal wires that are wrapped around each tooth and used as an anchor for the brackets. Spacers are separators that are used to create a small space prior to placing the orthodontic bands.

    Archwires are attached to the brackets to guide the movement of the teeth. There is a buccal tube on the band of the last tooth that is used to hold the archwire securely in place. Other components used include the springs to open or close spaces between the teeth and the elastic bands used to move the upper teeth against the lower teeth to achieve a properly aligned bite.

  • What is Invisalign®? 

    Invisalign® is one of the latest options for straightening teeth. It is named for the fact that it is more difficult to actually see than traditional braces. In fact, from the distance that people typically have conversations it’s nearly invisible. No one has to know that you have braces unless you decide to tell them.

    Instead of the metal used in traditional braces, this latest technology uses clear, plastic aligners that are removable. The aligners fit around the teeth like a clear shell, and still manage to do the same work that was once done by various metal parts.

    Invisalign® braces are no less effective than the traditional metal kind, and are capable of repairing the same misalignment as real braces — no matter how severe the issues are. That makes them an excellent option for someone who may be conscious about the appearance of braces. This option is particularly useful if you are getting braces as an adult and are concerned about the professional consequences of a mouth full of metal.

Some of the benefits of Invisalign® are outlined below:

  • Aligners are easily removable for eating and drinking

    No more discomfort associated with getting food stuck in your metal braces. Since they can be removed, you can give your teeth full cleaning every day.

  • Virtually invisible

    they are constructed fully from clear plastic, and are not easily noticeable from even a close distance. They can be easily removed if there is a special occasion where you don’t want them to be visible at all.

  • Brushing and flossing are easier

    Your daily routine is not going to be impeded by these types of braces. You can gently brush and floss your teeth while they are removed, and then replace them as soon as you are done

  • Every aligner is trimmed based on each user’s gum line for better comfort and appearance

    To better match your teeth, and to make wearing it far more comfortable, each aligner is carefully to comfortably match cut your gum line. This will prevent gum irritation and loss of gums while the treatment is working.

  • There is a blue compliance indicator making it easy to ensure teens sufficiently wear aligners

    Teenagers don’t always properly consider the consequences of their actions. If you’re worried that an easily-removable retainer won’t get the amount of use it needs, don’t worry! These braces have a compliance indicator that shows if the bracers are being used as often as required.

Orthodontics vs. Invisalign®? Which one is right for you?

Are you ready to discuss the options that will bring you or your child’s teeth back into alignment? If you’re ready to talk, our friendly clinic staff is ready to answer any and all of the questions you have. Please contact us now to set your first appointment. We’ll be happy to tell if you’re a suitable candidate, and what kind of results you can expect.

If you’re choosing our clinic from across the border in the United States, we understand that cost may be a factor in your decision. You can likely save a lot of money on orthodontics in Tijuana. While the final cost will depend on the severity of your condition, we’ll be able to provide you with a cost estimate after your first evaluation.

Please see our FAQs below if you have any other question about our services and how they can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Invisalign® and Orthodontics

  • What conditions does orthodontics treat?

    Orthodontics treats a range of different conditions related to the correction of bites and the alignment of your teeth. This field of treatments are rarely as intensive as other dental solutions, in that they are designed to correct your teeth with pressure over time instead of surgery.

  • At what age can my child start orthodontics?

    Most orthodontists will avoid treating children under 7 years of age or when all their baby teeth fall out and that the permanent teeth can be assessed. Once children can begin care, it’s important to assess the alignment of their teeth every few years. Teeth alignment can change a lot in teen years, so it’s important to have it checked early into adolescence.

  • How long does it take to see effects?

    The time it takes to see results depends heavily on the amount of work that needs to be done. You will need to wear them long enough for the changes in the bone to fully take effect.

Request a Consultation Today! 

Call us at (664) 980-0546(from Mexico) or (858) 732-6098(from USA) or leave us your contact information on the form & we will reach out ASAP. 

Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI). This is not a secure or encrypted means of communicating with our dentist office. 

Dedicated to Adults and Children of All Ages

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204 Ignacio Comonfort 9350, 

Zona Urbana Rio, 

Tijuana, 22320 B.C., Mexico 

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