What Should You Do If Your Dental Implants Start Causing Problems?

Dentiland • Sep 01, 2020

If you start to experience any problems with your dental implants, what should you do? This article will explain what to look out for, and what you should do.

Are you having dental implants problems? Well, if you are, you probably should try and figure out the possible cause before you run over to your dentist. This article will help you do just that.

Dental implants can come with a whole range of problems that are seriously unwanted. But they are easily mitigated, as long as the cause and type of issue are determined. 

In this article, we will cover what you need to do if you are experiencing issues, signs of infection, and the types of potential problems. 
So keep reading to learn more.

If You Cannot Wait, Research & Schedule

First and foremost, if you're experiencing unbearable pain, neurological tingling, or anything else that is an excessive bother, make sure to contact your dentist as soon as possible. 

It is recommended that you continue reading, as this will help you understand the dental implant problems and their causes, which might improve the treatment you will receive from your dentist. 

The Signs of a Dental Implant Infection

When it comes to dental implants, infections are quite common. The most common of them all is the peri-implantitis, which occurs to the gums. If left without treatment, there are several complications that can occur, such as implant dysfunction and bone loss. 
The signs of a typical infection include, but are not limited to:
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Loose implant
  • Red/swollen gums
  • Bleeding of the gums or area around the implant
  • Pus
  • Bad breath that doesn't go away
  • Difficulty chewing
If you recognize any of these signs, call your dentist immediately and or drop-in if that is an option at your clinic.

Dental Implants Problems That Are Common

When it comes to dental implants, something can go wrong, and these occurrences are quite common. Albeit, these issues are short-lived and easily mitigated. Most of the problems will occur at the earlier stages before the tooth itself even gets attached.

Infection/Inadequate Healing

Dental implants are installed through the surgical process. The staff will follow all of the sterile and aseptic methods, which are instilled in decreasing the likelihood of infection. However, mouths are typically very bacteria-welcoming, so infection is quite common. 

From the procedure, you can expect mild pain, swelling, and discomfort for several days. But anything beyond that might warrant the presence of a greater issue, which should be mitigated via dental work.

Inadequate healing and infections are directly associated with the after-care that the patients followed or chose not to after surgery. Very rarely does an infection develop much later after surgery. Also, there might be an underlying issue that was not identified before the surgery which could have caused the infection.

If the infection is recognized early and dealt with accordingly, then the later stages of surgery can continue to become a treatment success.

Also, if you suffer from diabetes, cancer, or gum disease, delayed healing is imminent. This is also the case for people who take medications, drink alcohol, and smoke. Your surgeon must be aware of all of these conditions prior to the medical procedure.
Surgical Procedure

When it comes to getting dental implants, it's very important that you find a dentist who has been registered and properly certified with all of the necessary associations. 

Dentists who have made their way in the realm of their industry, both in education and experience will be keen on the value of sterility and other techniques. They will understand the proper guidelines and procedures, which reduces your risk of dental implant problems. 
Movement of Implant

A dental implant must be immobile for many weeks, in order for osseointegration to occur. Any movement will hinder this process, and result in an unstable solution. In the first 12 weeks, the implant is vulnerable to not growing in the bone, which leads to soft-tissue ingrowth. 

That is something you don't want to happen, and you will end up back on the dentist's chair in no time, as the pain would be unbearable. Follow the dietary recommendations to ensure that your implant is not mobilized by chewing.
Unsubstantial Bone

A successful implant is one that fuses with the bone at all sides. If your bone is deficient or not dense enough, your dentist will need to perform several other steps to ensure that the bone can support the growth around the implant.

If your tooth is missing, you have most likely lost bone volume. However, an experienced dentist should be able to increase your bone volume via bone grafting, and other alternative measures
Not Adhering to Instructions

Not following the instructions of your doctor will result in some sort of dental implants problems. These instructions are usually very direct, such as keeping your mouth clean and reducing physical activity. 

You will also have to follow dietary guidelines and take medication as prescribed.
Bisphosphonates Complication

The bisphosphonates are a type of medication that is taken for osteoporosis and bone loss. These most common are Actonel, Bonica, Reclast and Fosamax.

These drugs work by inhibiting the osteoclastic activity, meaning they prevent these cells from destroying bone. However, osteoclasts play a large role in osteoblast, which are the other cells that produce the materials that create the bone.

It is shown that the use of bisphosphonates can lead to a greater risk of osteonecrosis in the jaw. This condition is severe, albeit the risk is very minimal. However, you should tell your doctor if you are taking these medications, either as cancer or osteoporosis treatment.

Dental Services for You

Dental implants problems are quite common, which is a bad thing. That's why it's most important to find a dental service provider who has a track history of not having any of these issues with their patients.

As long as you follow the provided instructions and your dentist does a great job, no issues can occur. At Dentiland in Zona Rio, Tijuana, Mexico—you will not encounter these problems. If you're interested in working with us, get in touch and we will happily accommodate your needs.
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