7 Common Pediatric Dental Procedures

Dentiland • Oct 18, 2021

A growing child needs certain dental procedures to keep up with oral health, but what are the most common ones? Find out with this pediatric dentistry guide.

Did you know that 20 percent of children aged 5 to 11 have at least one cavity?

While dental procedures aren't always necessary for treating a cavity, they're always a possibility. That's not the only dental procedure children usually receive, though. In fact, a large part of pediatric dental care is actually about the prevention of cavities, and some procedures can help children avoid them.

What other pediatric dental procedures are there, though? Luckily, we're here to help you learn about them. Read on to learn about seven of the most common dental procedures.

1. Sealants

For kids, it's often difficult to reach back molars while brushing. This leaves the teeth more susceptible to cavities and other sources of buildup.

In most children, their first set of permanent molars are going to erupt at the age of six. Sometimes, dentists can brush sealants onto each of these teeth to act as a barrier against plaque and other forms of acid. 

The procedure is simple, painless, and requires no anesthesia.

2. Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of those preventative measures we talked about earlier. These treatments work to make teeth more resistant to acid attacks caused by bacterias, sugar, and even plaque in the mouth.

Kids can get fluoride through toothpaste, mouth rinse, some tap waters, and treatments applied by their dentist (usually right after a cleaning).

The treatment they're likely to receive at the dentist usually comes as a gel, varnish, or foam. It's typically going to be higher strength than over-the-counter treatments, but it isn't something that's always necessary. Your child's dentist will decide when the time comes.

3. X-Rays

X-rays are important tools that dentists often use to keep an eye on the things going on inside your child's mouth. They're pretty safe for kids, but it's a good idea to take as few as possible in order to get the necessary information.

This goes for people of all ages, though. Radiation exposure should always be kept to a minimum when possible.

The ideal time between x-rays for children at high risk of tooth decay is 6-12 months. For low-risk children, that number goes down to 12-24 months.

4. Extraction

Extractions are pretty rare for children, and they're only done as a last resort. In some cases, it's because of cavities or some other issue with decay. In others, it's done to help with overcrowding in certain areas of the mouth.

Extractions done for this reason are going to help permanent teeth grow straight.

5. Fillings

This is one of the most common procedures that pediatric dentists perform, partially due to the fact that children's teeth are so prone to cavities. 

In most cases, the tooth is first numbed for the procedure. In some cases, the patient might be put under anesthesia (usually with nitrous oxide) while the procedure is carried out. This is also common for tooth extractions.

Once the area is numb, the infected areas of the tooth are removed and the tooth is filled with either silver amalgam or ceramic porcelain. Porcelain is becoming increasingly popular as it's the same color as the tooth and blends in easily.

6. Orthodontic Care

Both children and adults alike need orthodontic care, but it's especially common for kids. Braces are usually used to treat things like crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth. Sometimes, a "bad bite" can also present problems in children, usually in the form of an over or underbite.

Often, your dentist is going to notice issues during a dental visit. It's best to schedule an appointment to see what can be done to help treat your child.

Sometimes, braces might not be necessary. If they are, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to braces. There are traditional metal braces, clear Invisalign trays, or even clear porcelain braces that blend in with the teeth (though metal ones will be required on the bottom).

7. Dental Cleaning

Finally, dental cleanings are going to be the procedure your child becomes the most familiar with. These should start as close to a child getting their first tooth as possible — usually about six months after.

The child's first few visits aren't likely to involve much cleaning, but more of the dentist examining your child's teeth to look out for any problems that might develop.

Regardless, your child should visit the dentist at least every six months onward. When they start having their teeth cleaned is going to depend on the dentist, but it's good to familiarize yourself and them with the process as early in life as possible.

Cleanings usually involve the dental hygienist scraping the teeth down to get rid of plaque, and then that's followed up with a cleaning of each tooth with an ultrasonic dental tool.

From there, the hygienist will floss the teeth, polish them, and possibly apply a fluoride treatment.

Not All Dental Procedures Are Scary

The term "dental procedures" is enough to scare some, but it's important to remember that they're not all bad — especially with the right pediatric dentist in Tijuana. Remember, no matter what your child needs to have done, it's important that they feel comfortable with the person performing the procedure.

That's why finding the right dentist for them is crucial from the beginning.

We'd love to help you fill that role for your child and you. Contact us today to get started.

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